Without going into detail, stress accentuates all of the health problems associated with aging; it reduces our maintenance and repair capacity, the efficiency of the immune system and increases the risk of nerve degeneration and cardiovascular disease. It appears that about 80% of medical consultations are linked to stress, either directly or indirectly (Dr. Herbert Benson, from Mind/Body Medical Institute, Harvard University). It even has an impact on inflammatory processes and pain. Might as well say that stress is the enemy of healthy aging. Uncontrolled stress is an accelerator of aging.

Aging people have a higher propensity for anxiety and worry. Loneliness can also become a major stressor as the social network shrinks. Why not then adopt a pet? Living with a cat or dog has been shown to reduce stress and increase longevity (if you’re not allergic to it!).

There are several reasons for increased stress as you age, but the most important must be sleep problems. It is a vicious cycle where stress causes sleep problems that increase stress and anxiety, but also increase the need for antioxidants. Increasing systemic oxidation, that is, throughout the body, also increases stress and reduces the quality of sleep. It is also known that the decline in the quality of sleep facilitates weight gain and stress increases the production of an appetite hormone, while modifying energy metabolism to facilitate fat storage (University study from Ohio in 2014).

You should also be aware that anxiety disorders can be very difficult to manage and can be due to physiological causes that do not depend on our state of mind. Studies have shown that it may be easier to be stressed or anxious due to events that may have happened while we were in our mother’s womb, and even before.

Here are the main approaches, in order of preference, which can greatly improve your stress and anxiety management:

  • Improve your sleep habits.
  • Food: reduce the use of coffee and refined sugar of all types; increase the consumption of omega-3.
  • Physical activity: being active; the higher the level of activity, the more beneficial.
  • Quality social relations.
  • Meditation/relaxation exercises such as mindfulness, living in the moment or cardiac coherence.
  • Supplements: get to know yourself and use quality products.
  • Medication.

For Vitoli® products, it is recommended above all, to try to improve your sleep (Vitoli Sleep and/or Vitoli Stress and Anxiety) as well as get acquainted with our products so as to use them only when you need them. For the day, Vitoli Stress and Anxiety takes effect within 30 to 40 minutes. These products are not addictive nor cause dependencies.

Speak to your pharmacist or doctor.