Dr. Gaétan Brouillard initially practiced as an emergency physician (1976) and then as a family physician at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital. He was also a clinical lecturer for 35 years while also practicing medicine in a private clinic. He has expertise in the treatment of chronic pain, preventive medicine, and functional medicine.

He acquired skills in acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy, osteopathy, and hypnotherapy as well as developed biological infiltration techniques for many pathologies. He is also the author of 3 bestsellers: “La Santé Repensée“, “La Douleur Repensée“, and “C’est une question de Vie et de Mort“, all translated into several languages.

In his conferences and his books, he promotes a multidisciplinary approach to health, centered on the individual and not on the disease. He will inform us further regarding global and integrative medicine where lifestyle and environment take precedence over health. We have a great need to harmonize our various schools of thought and to develop integrated medicine at the service of the patient and not at the service of a technological and, too often, purely pharmaceutical ideology.