In the first article we described the size of the prostate gland by age, while listing some symptoms, but most importantly, the factors that increase the risk of prostate problems and the factors that reduce them.

Many men are unaware that inflammation of the prostate gland can cause symptoms by the age of 50. In addition, inflammation of the prostate increases the risk of developing cancer. We should even consider inflammation of the prostate as the first step towards the development of prostate cancer. It is the most diagnosed cancer in the world for men; around 15 to 20% of men will be affected during their lifetime. Fortunately, death rates from prostate cancer have been decreasing since 2001. About 3.5% of men will die from it.

It is important to recognize the symptoms that may be caused by inflammation of the prostate. This is usually called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate. Prostate enlargement is common by the age of 40. It causes blockage of urine flow in the urethra, making it difficult to completely empty the bladder. This results in more frequent urination, a weaker stream and, even sometimes, incontinence.

Here are the main symptoms:

  • Intermittent pain or urination
  • Frequent urination
  • Urgent or sudden need to urinate
  • Sexual problems (e.g. ejaculation pain or erectile problems)
  • Heaviness in the rectum (feeling of having to have a bowel movement)

If you have any doubts, it is of course important to consult your doctor quickly, who will refer you if necessary to a urologist. These symptoms are similar to the symptoms caused by prostate cancer.

Here are the main symptoms of prostate cancer:

  • Need to urinate often (frequent urination), especially at night
  • Urgent or sudden need to urinate
  • Difficulty starting to urinate and effort during urination
  • Weak or slow or interrupted urine stream
  • Inability to empty the bladder completely
  • Difficulty controlling your bladder (incontinence), which can lead to urinary leakage
  • Blood in the urine
  • Burning sensation or pain during urination
  • Blood in sperm
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Difficulty getting an erection (erectile dysfunction)
  • Pain or stiffness in the bones of the hips, back or chest
  • Weakness or numbness in the legs or feet
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Cough that does not go away or shortness of breath

For many, they have been identical, hence the great importance of consulting your doctor. The majority of prostate cancers will develop very slowly and depending on the age of the person, many will not seek treatment. Periodic monitoring is required to ensure that there is rapid development. The factors that reduce or worsen the risk of prostate problems presented in the first article are the same factors that reduce or increase the risk of rapid development of prostate cancer if diagnosed.

In closing, Vitoli® Prostate can be used for treatment or prevention. It can be taken in conjunction with the usual medication (N.B.: it is always advisable to talk to your pharmacist). Here are the health claims allowed by Health Canada for Vitoli® Prostate:

  • Helps keep the prostate healthy.
  • Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve urological symptoms associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Provides antioxidants.




  • Quebec Cancer Foundation website:
  • Canadian Cancer Society website:
  • Fujita K, Hayashi T, Matsushita M, Uemura M, Nonomura N. 2019. Obesity, Inflammation, and Prostate Cancer. J Clin Med. 2019 Feb 6;8(2). Review.
  • Hackshaw-McGeagh LE, Perry RE, Leach VA, Qandil S, Jeffreys M, Martin RM, Lane JA. 2015. A systematic review of dietary, nutritional, and physical activity interventions for the prevention of prostate cancer progression and mortality. Cancer Causes Control. 2015 Nov;26(11):1521-50. Review.