It is always important to consider the cause of your symptoms first. If you have a poor diet and do not do any physical activity; don’t take just any supplement for no particular reason, improve your lifestyle first. The different texts from Vitoli’s blog can guide you on areas for improvement and useful advice. Do not hesitate to write to us if necessary at

If you have a good lifestyle, the second thing to consider for your daily energy level is the quality of your sleep. Deep, restful sleep is essential to maintaining good energy levels. Dreaming and total sleep time (7 to 8 hours), are good indicators of the quality of your sleep. The use of sleeping pills does not usually make it possible to reach the deep sleep phase and is not recommended for long periods of time in order to avoid memory problems, dependence and addiction. Try Vitoli Sleep instead and know that Vitoli Stress and Anxiety (30 to 40 minutes before going to sleep) is an alternative.

Vitoli Energy

Now, if you have a good lifestyle and sleep well, you can consider taking Vitoli Energy. Vitoli products have been developed to offer specialized products for healthy aging, but also offer higher quality products for the practice of health professionals.

Vitoli Energy contains magnesium, vitamin B6, the exclusive Provitol Complex (polyphenols from olives) and rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea). Rhodiola is a plant that has been used for a very long time to improve energy capacity; both bodily and cognitive. The extracts of Rhodiola rosea are said to have been used by the Vikings which provided them with all the energy necessary for their conquests. Whether this is true or not, it was part of the first Swedish pharmacopoeia dating from 1775. Unfortunately, a recent study has shown that up to 50% of the tested products (products on the market) contain the wrong species or the wrong plant. It is important to use standardized products from credible companies.

Over a hundred pharmacological studies have been carried out on extracts of Rhodiola rosea. Recently, studies have shown encouraging results in the area of ​​cancer, longevity and depression. The quality extracts of rhodiola have significant effects to counter fatigue and increase the ability to concentrate, while reducing the negative effects of stress and anxiety. Several mechanisms of action are believed to be involved, including the reduction of cortisol. There is no known drug interaction with this product, but a contraindication for bipolar disorder. Consult your pharmacist.

Here are the health claims authorized by Health Canada for Vitoli Energy:

  • Temporarily helps relieve symptoms of stress such as mental fatigue and feeling of weakness.
  • Helps maintain cognitive functions such as concentration and intellectual vigor.
  • Helps the proper functioning of muscles.
  • Provides antioxidants.

Let us know if you have any questions, it’s always a pleasure to chat with you.



  • Chattopadhyay et Thirumurugan, 2018. Longevity promoting efficacies of different plant extracts in lower model organisms. Mech Ageing Dev. 2018 Apr;171:47-57.
  • Sarris et al, 2011. Herbal medicine for depression, anxiety and insomnia: a review of psychopharmacology and clinical evidence. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2011 Dec;21(12):841-60.
  • Panossian et al, 2010. Rosenroot (Rhodiola rosea): traditional use, chemical composition, pharmacology and clinical efficacy. Phytomedicine. 2010 Jun;17(7):481-93.
  • Xin et al, 2015. Survey of commercial Rhodiola products revealed species diversity and potential safety issues. Sci Rep. 2015 Feb 9;5:8337.
  • Yu et al, 2018. Salidroside induces apoptosis in human ovarian cancer SKOV3 and A2780 cells through the p53 signaling pathway. Oncol Lett. 2018 May;15(5):6513-6518.