Hypnosis and self-hypnosis greatly help us improve our quality of life. When you do self-hypnosis, you are the hypnotist and the hypnotized. We have both roles; you still have to know how to do it well! Each person has their own way of practicing their self-hypnosis and here I will give you some essential points in order to succeed in yours. I often tell my clients who question whether they are good subjects for hypnosis and/or self-hypnosis: “You have been able to program yourself negatively, so you can definitely do it positively“.

Here are some important points to make it easier to reach your goals:

First, we choose our objective and it must be clear, because this will facilitate the choice of words during our self-programming.

Then, we make positive and constructive suggestions. We can make short sentences or sometimes a single word is enough. A short suggestion might be, “I have confidence in myself”, or “I have more and more confidence in myself”. A single word describing our goal of self-confidence could be: “Capable” or the word “Strong“.

Using short, powerful affirmations will help us regain balance more quickly. Why short? When they are too long, we try to remember our suggestions and this pulls us out of the state of relaxation which helps us to better program ourselves. So, we relax as much as possible while repeating several times a short autosuggestion like “I am in full possession of my means“, and “I find solutions“. In fact, this is the last sentence I have been repeating to myself for about a week when, on the first day of this season, I found a solution for my chronic pain and my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I was open to solutions and found some. Being open to solutions, no matter in which category, is a very important factor in the success of our goals.

The repetition of thoughts and words is another success factor in the world of self-hypnosis and hypnosis. Some call it mantras. Each repetition reinforces the previous one and this has an exponential effect. However, sometimes, depending on the circumstances, a single repetition is sufficient to make the words or thoughts very real. Thus, depending on the state in which a person is, the anchoring of a word, a key phrase, or even a state, can be done instantly. You can find an example of this repetition technique on my CD, Mémoire d’Éléphant, where I repeat a dozen times several constructive statements that facilitate better memory. When you do this, you quickly find yourself in a Theta state; a state that promotes even more efficient achievement of the desired results. So, we repeat to ourselves several times a statement on a specific subject, for example: “My memory is improving day by day“. Again, there may be a set of factors causing our memory to perform less well. It is important to consider all the facets of a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, to consult a professional or a practitioner in complementary approaches.

Making affirmations in the present tense helps make them real. By mentally accepting the goal as already accomplished, we send this message to the subconscious. Through the process of thanking for the positive result, you put yourself in gratitude mode. The state of gratitude also contributes to the achievement of the goal.

One feeds on one’s thoughts and words. It is therefore clearly preferable that this be constructive. By realizing this, we open ourselves to our power to effectively choose our words and thoughts in order to achieve a better quality of life. Obviously, when you know the steps to deprogram and reprogram yourself, it becomes much easier. My first book (French Only) gives programming details as well as some pitfalls to avoid, such as using the words “try” and “hope” that make us doubt the effectiveness of the results.

Daily practice of choosing the right words to say, just like that of self-hypnosis, is absolutely beneficial. It becomes a way of living, a new way of life, a way of being and doing at every moment, in the present moment, programming us positively. It puts us in our power.

Consciously, with our words and thoughts, we program our subconscious, positively or negatively. You might as well choose to program yourself positively!

Happy programming!